HEY you?
Yes, YOU! Are you graduating in the year 2021?
You are?!? Well, good. Because we NEED you!!
You are beautiful, fierce, and you sparkle with life. We want you on our team!
Every year we accept a handful of juniors into our modeling team – but it’s not just that. When you join (which is simply prebooking your senior portraits and requesting to be on the Junior Model Team) you get:
- A discount on your booking fee
- Free goodies (shhhh)
- Access to our GROUP SHOOTS (Check out last year’s here and here and the year before that)
- Prime dates for your senior portraits (already reserved)
- Have the option to do a destination senior session at no additional cost
- And also much more pictures. Like, a lot.
- Must be graduating in the year 2021 and planning to use VBP as your senior photographer
- Willing and able to meet up for group event/shoots in the Enumclaw/Maple Valley/Tacoma areas (dates are planned months in advance)
- Not be a member of any other senior model photography team
- EXCITED to share about your pictures on social media (included being tagged in pictures and posts)
So what are you waiting for?!
Fill out the form below and we will let you know on March 2nd if you’ve been accepted!
*Vanilla Bean Seniors invest between $2000-$5000 on their senior portraits.