About Keilah

All things sparkly

Hey guys! My name is Keilah. I am a 30-something wife with red hair, I have 2 dream daughters who you will see around here often, and I have so many sparkly things I am constantly sweeping up glitter in my house. I will never say no to chocolate, and if someone does the dishes for me I just might love them forever. I know what it’s like to see a picture of myself and not love it, so I work hard to make sure that every image that comes out of my camera is flattering and beautiful. I can't WAIT to work with you!

“I don’t want my audience to see my pictures and think I am sharing my passion so that they will hire me. I want them to realize the importance of printed photographs, and see the indispensable value in capturing the memories for their children and grandchildren.” -Keilah Rojas

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Is there anything so sweet as a girl and her horse? <3

ARIANA WRIGHT / Modeling Portfolio

A beautiful day, some pretty outfits, and a gorgeous model? DEFINITELY time for a photo shoot! Ari and I had…

Steph’s business headshots – VIIM

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