Abby {2012 Senior}

“Mom? Can we go over to Amy and Abby’s house”, my sister and I would ask, at ages 5 and 6.
“Yes, you may. But look both ways before crossing the street,”
Bethie and I would  rush on over, and knock on the front door that we could see from our own, and immediately  go to the play room. Doll houses, Barbies, and imagination fills the room in my memory. We would play for hours, it seemed…
But then, we moved. We moved a whole 12 miles away. But when you are only 5 and 6, 12 miles is an eternity.
And oh! my joy when Abby asked me to take her senior pictures!  Now, almost 13 years later, we went back to our old hometown, and had an absolutely fantastic time.
Abby, you are gorgeous. Thank you so much for this fun day!

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  • Cathie EverettOctober 21, 2011 - 2:39 am

    Those are treasured memories! We all missed your family so much when you moved away. Thank you so much Keilah for capturing Abby’s beauty. It’s so amazing to see the beautiful young women that all four of you have become! ~ CathieReplyCancel

  • Amy EverettOctober 23, 2011 - 6:24 am

    You, my talented friend, have managed to capture the light that shines so bright in my sister. Looking at these pictures, I wonder what she was laughing at; what the secret joke of the day was. Every one of those expressions and gestures ARE Abby (trademarked. Patent Pending).
    Thank you, Keilah. A picture is worth a thousand words. There are quite a few up there, but I don’t think that even I could write that many words to describe Abby as well as the pictures you’ve taken.
    – Amy
    P.S. I remember too. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • KeilahOctober 23, 2011 - 5:13 pm

    Aw…Thank you SO MUCH, Amy! Those words mean a lot to me. Thank you!ReplyCancel

Senior Portraits